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Mountains in Clouds

May 30-June 3 Day 2

We started with archery and then "Meet My Friend" (learn 3 new things about a friend and share one out). Then they finished coloring their penguins from yesterday. Today was Australia, so we found it on the giant map and talked about the largest living structure in the world (the Great Barrier Reef) and why bleaching occurs (excessive heat and ocean acidification). I did a demo of water absorbing heat with balloons (one with air, one with water, which will pop first?) and ocean acidification (ph level of water changing as CO2 is added to it). We also talked about the causes of ocean acidification and how we can help. Then we looked at a few of the many animals that reside in the Great Barrier Reef and played Coral Reef Rover. Then we talked about the Aboriginals and looked at examples of their cave art in Nawarla Gabarnmung. They made a version of their own animal cave art. Then we went to organic gardening with Melissa. She showed them how to plant tomato plants and they got to plant at least one. Some of them would've kept planting all day :) ! Then we went to the obstacle course for a little while. Next we looked at several other animals special to Australia and listened to the Kookabura's call. Then we played Kookabura (blindfolded, they have to find their partner by the sound of their "bird call"). During lunch, we discussed more of the plot for their play and then went to the creek. After the creek, we colored boomerangs and practiced throwing them.


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