Lovely Land Day 4
We began with Gratitude Circle and a tag game called “Get Set Grow” (collect all the elements needed to grow from seed to plant before getting tagged). Then we talked about identifying a few more local plants (Eastern Red Cedar, Hickory tree, Red Oak, Creeping Charlie, Violets, Chickweed). Next, they painted their CornCrete Tangrams and finished their Mixed Media art from Monday. At snack, we finished their original play and then went to the obstacle course for a bit. Then we discussed all the different ways seeds can travel (wind, animals, water) and examined how their shape helps them travel in certain ways. Lastly, they designed and built a “seed structure” based on the methods of wind dispersal they learned about. We tested them in front of the fan to see how far their prototypes could travel. The farthest went 12 ft! Then we did a run thru of their play at lunch and went to the creek.