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Mountains in Clouds

June 27- July 1 Day 2

Today was Australia so we started with two games: Cane Toads vs Inland Taipan vs Dingoes (each team picks an animal and "battles" the other team. Cane toads beat Dingoes with their toxic skin, Dingoes beat Inland Taipans with their howl, Inland Taipans beat Cane toads by swallowing them whole) and Kookaburra (make up a bird call and with eyes closed they have to use their sense of hearing to find each other). Then we went to garden class by the greenhouse to plant a pollinator garden for attracting pollinators towards the greenhouse. They also covered the seeds with hay to keep the birds from eating them. Next we went to the art studio to talk about the people and culture of Australia including the indigenous Aboriginals. We looked at examples of their cave art in Nawarla Gabarnmung as well as Dot art. They chose which art project to work on (animal cave art or dot art). While working on their art I showed them an authentic didgeridoo (how they are made and how they sound). Then we talked about why the oceans are important and how they help absorb heat and Co2. I did a demo with a balloon of air and balloon of water to show how much more heat water/the ocean can absorb than air. Then we discussed the largest living structure on Earth (The Great Barrier Reef) and the bleaching of the coral reef that is occurring. We also watched a short video about scientists working to restore the reef. Then we talked about ocean acidification caused by greenhouse gases and ways to prevent it. I also did a demonstration of Co2 turning water acidic. During snack, they added more to their play and we went to obstacle course for awhile. Back at the art studio, they finished up their art projects and penguins from yesterday while I talked about the wildlife of Australia in the surrounding ocean and on land. Then we ate lunch and went to the creek to cool off. We also discussed how Aboriginals would use a boomerang for hunting and they each have their own paper boomerang to take home, decorate and practice throwing.


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