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Mountains in Clouds

Above and Below Week 3 Day 1

We started the morning off with a get to know you name game and Gratitude Circle. Then we discussed space rocks (what they are, where most of them are orbiting in our solar system, the different types, etc). Then we did a riddle hunt to find and label our What’s that Space Rock chart. Then we explored the largest and oldest Craters around the World. On the field, we played Ten Pin Meteorite Challenge (answering questions about space rocks in order to remove the other team's pins and knock the rest down). After the game, we had snack and played at the obstacle course. Then we did some Meteorite Art (balloons filled with paint and an Alka Seltzer paint reaction that makes cool crater impact designs). Some seemed to have dud Alka Seltzers so I will pull them aside to try again later in the week so they can get a cool crater explosion. Next we discussed what a solar eclipse is using my sun/moon/earth model and they played solar eclipse memory. After lunch, we went to the creek to explore and cool off. Lastly, we discussed ideas for their original play which they will perform Friday at 2pm. I didn't take as many pictures as usual! Sorry. I will make sure to take way more for tomorrow's blog post.


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